Chest workout for better physique.🦾💪

(1) Bench press – Bench press is an upper body chest workout in which trainee presses a weight upward while lying down on a bench , bench press is good workout for chest workout and it’s very useful workout for good chest and in this work we also feel increasing power in triceps so that’s our first chest workout which is necessary to do .

(2) Incline bench press –

This our second workout in chest workout in which it’s helps us in upper chest area build in this workout we grab the bar with medium hand like this image and then rack out the bar careful and hold it directly on your upper chest area and you should aslo take support of other person.

(3) Decline bench press –

This our third most workout and in this workout we use decline bench , firstly we lying down on decline bench like in this image and we grab the bar with medium hand and put the road carefully and this work out work on chest area .

(4) Dumbbell Pull over

This our fifth workout which is known as dumbbell pull over , in this workout we used to half lay down on a bench and grab dumbbell with hardness and upward dumbbell with strength of chest and hand going backwards and as you capability down the dumbbell and again goes up and complete three sets each sets have 15 reps .

(5) Dumbell press – this our fifth workout and also second last workout in this workout lie down on the bench holding the Dumbells in an overhead position then slowly bend your arms and lower to dumbbells to your chest leval and slowly press the dumbells .

(6) Butterfly chest workout –

Butterfly chest workout is our last but not least workout it’s very important for shaping your body and in this workout we use Butterfly machine as picture shown trainee hold the hand grips as close to machine straight your hand when you goes front and less bend your hand when you goes backward and do 3 sets minimum and each sets have 12 reps

So this our chest workout next time I come with other workout , so enjoy this article and please share this with your buddy and gymholic

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